Designing an
affordable energy future

ArcGuide Enhanced Lightning Protection for Wind Turbines

01 / ArcGuide™ Enhanced Lightning Protection

ArcGuide™ is a novel blade coating that improves the performance of standard lightning protection systems on wind turbine blades. Every year, the industry loses hundreds of millions of dollars due to damage caused by lightning strikes. ArcGuide™ reduces lightning-induced damage to wind turbine blades and costly downtime by guiding the energy of the strike to the lightning receptors and safely transmitting the energy to ground.

eXSeek wind farm power optmization

02 / eXSeek™ Power Optimization

Our patented programmable logic controller continuously maximizes the performance of both individual turbines and turbine arrays, improving energy yield.  This technology eliminates power losses caused by non-ideal, off-design operating conditions and wind sensor failures.

Arctura active lift control for wind turbines

03 / Active Lift Control

Our patent-pending on-blade, segmented, active lift control system allows wind turbines to react rapidly to changes in the wind. By enabling larger rotor diameters, this advanced control system gives turbine designers the ability to further increase the annual energy production and capacity factor of future turbine designs. Arctura is developing both a revolutionary plasma-based solution and a novel mechanical solution to this challenging problem.


04 / Green Nitric Acid

Nitric acid is a valuable industrial chemical, used in the production of fertilizers, explosives, polyurethane, nylon, and other common products. But its synthesis consumes a great deal of energy while emitting tens of millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year. At Arctura, we are electrifying green nitric acid production to consume less energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Combining our proprietary process with renewable energy plants will lower the cost of nitric acid while reducing the risk of curtailment for nearby wind and solar farms

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